stem turn

美 [stem tɜːrn]英 [stem tɜːn]
  • 网络半制动可以当做是一种滑法
stem turnstem turn


a turn made in skiing;the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
Synonym: stem


  1. Screw while having dry absorption capacity , but it must be to prevent the stem turn , so as not to scratch the surface of the work .


  2. Chemicals and hormones are then added to encourage the stem cells to turn into liver tissue .


  3. Researchers are finding new ways to make stem cells and turn them into blood , brain , bone and other tissues .


  4. Human embryonic stem cells can turn into ( differentiate ) into any type of cell , including RPE cells .


  5. When scientists take stem cells and turn them into specialized cells , they do so by changing the levels of a few transcription factors , he explained .


  6. A mouse study found that endurance exercise influenced mesenchymal stem cells to turn into bone rather than into fat cells , leading to more oxygen carrying capacity and better immune function .


  7. In the new study , however , researchers were able to take cells from men 's testicular tissue , isolate stem cells , and turn them into insulin-secreting islet cells .


  8. A stem cell is one that , when it divides , spins off some offspring that remain as stem cells while others turn into functional tissue .
